
Resolve api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1.0.dll is missing Error in Xampp | Wordpress Tips & Tricks

2017-02-18 121 Dailymotion

Most of people want to learn WordPress, because this is an easy way to create website/blog.

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Even i create my website www.SeoRamanArora.com in WordPress. There are few things which you have to follow to learn about WordPress.

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If you have a plan to learn about WordPress, I will teach you about WordPress, I have developed 150+ Websites for Clients in last three years of Experience and Done their SEO as well.

Go through with this Article at below:-


When you are learning WordPress, then you can start your Practice on Wamp or Xampp Server. To download Xampp Server, Click here-Xammp Server. To Run WordPress for Blog/Website, you need Apache Server and MySQL. So, Xampp Server will provide you these both things.

Often using Xampp Sever, you will face some problem such as php.ini, port 80 is blocked and api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1.0.dll error. This error “api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1.0.dll” is occurred because, unfortunately, these Microsoft Redistributable files have been deleted from your System, you need to recover or reinstall them again.

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To resolve api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1.0.dll error, I am sharing you this article to resolve you this issue. There are two cases to resolve this problem; you have to follow one of them.

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